Nearly all of the women I’ve spoken to across the span of my life have felt some kind of insecurity about their body at some stage or other. Many of us still do. Even me, on the odd ocassion.
What I see is that a preoccupation with our appearance can mean we’re so busy worrying about how we look and whether people like us, or find us pretty that we’re actually not living IN the moment.
The perfectionism and insecurity that comes with these feelings to present perfectly are debilitating.
And yet it’s such a big part of our conditioning.
If anything, I think consumerism and patriarchy are to blame. But that’s not the point of the post.
If we’re so busy being worried about what we look like we’re going to miss out on some of the deeper things in life.
It’s natural to want to fit in.
And yet, when we’re caught up with thoughts of approval we’re not being truly present to what is happening in the moment.
And we miss the magic of the simplest and most profound pleasures and moments.
If this is something you experience here’s a few things you could try:
❤️ wear something you love and feel really comfortable in. This means you’re likely to forget about your clothes AND you won’t be constantly fiddling with or worrying about your outfit
❤️ if you’re going into an environment where these thoughts would arise take a mantra with you, something to remind you that are beautiful just the way you are
❤️ start looking at your body from a different lens. One that allows you to appreciate a deeper beauty than that thing you always pick on yourself in the mirror for. Look for something beautiful in your reflection
❤️ know that you are more than this body. WAY more. And to measure yourself and your self worth based on whether or not you fit some arbitrary body ideal or not totally dismisses the rest of you and what you bring to your relationships and the world