Month: April 2021

3 steps to make decisions using your body wisdom

When I sat down to write this time, in the car, on the way to a yoga festival to present (yes, my husband is driving) I asked myself “What is it that I really want to share with the world?” “What is it that really wants to come through me?” and “What do I really need to share that I’ve been holding out on?”

There’s so many answers to these questions.

So then I’m left with another question: Which one of these things will I write about now?

And in considering that, what I’m going to write about it is how we come to our answers. How do we go about our decision making processes.

Before I continue I invite you to think about how you make decisions. Are there lists? Pros and cons considered? Are you weighing up the financial cost, the environmental impact? There’s so many things to consider right.

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Posted by emm.mccann in Blog

The desire for deeper connection

“All my friends are talking to me about their renovations. Talk to me about something real.”


There it is.

Right in the middle of the conversation the woman I was chatting to expressed her gratitude for the depth of our conversation and then said the above statement.

I was struck by it. The desire to be seen, to be met, to be in deep interactions and deep relationships with people was so obvious.

I felt like she put into one simple sentence what I was feeling, and what I had worked so hard to unravel for myself. As well as that thing that happens when we get swept up in other people’s energy and the flow of conversation.

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Posted by emm.mccann in Blog