
What does conscious living mean? An exploration.

Living consciously, with awareness, means being mindful enough to be able to recognise the impact we’re having on ourselves, the world and those around us.
Living consciously takes deep awareness.
And acceptance.
It requires us to show up for shit that’s uncomfortable, hard and sometimes downright ugly.
It also requires us to show up for what’s joyful and not fight the ease in life which we are so prone to do when addicted to stress and drama.
Living consciously requires us to show up for ourselves.
To celebrate hard.
To take radical responsibility.
It’s attempting to live without judgement.
In deep acceptance.
It’s leading by example.
Inspiring simply by being who we are and believing in the best people have to offer, in their capabilities and capacity to thrive and offer their gifts.
Conscious living means giving a shit.
And acting like it.
It means doing our best to create meaning through presence and awareness.   By paying attention, listening.
It means honing our mindfulness skills so we can be present.
Sitting in radical responsibility for all that is ours.
Witnessing others in all that is theirs.
It’s more than this too.
More that I can’t express right now.
The more will come. Just not today. Look out for another chapter.
Posted by emm.mccann in Blog