The Pleasure Revolution program

When you expand your pleasure and connect to your body in deeper ways you open yourself to more magic in life.
Pleasure may not be something you’re really thinking about.
You might be getting to the end of the day, holding on, waiting for the couch and that glass of wine.
And yet, pleasure is an integral part of our lives.
It supports our immune system, our mood, our sleep, our digestion, our nervous system, pain responses and more.
Pleasure is the cornerstone of a life well lived.
A life that we receive from, a life that fills us. A life we don’t need to take a holiday from (but a holiday is nice to have).
When you do things FOR YOURSELF you might feel guilt that you could be so selfish as to spend money on yourself and have time for you.
You might find yourself thinking “There’s nothing FOR ME in this life”.
Or, maybe, you’re partway down this train and you want more!
In my own journey, as I started doing things that felt good, and started to drop deeper into unravelling what had happened that had caused this, I felt increasingly able to be myself.
The hardest parts were tackling the conditioning. The stuff that my upbringing and society had taught me about being a woman. AND embracing the ‘taboo’ things, like talking openly about menstrual cycles, sex, having a yoni (and loving it), pleasure, especially sexual pleasure.
I mean seriously, what were you taught about your sexual pleasure growing up?
I was taught NOTHING about pleasure. Not pleasure in life and not pleasure in the bedroom. Not even that pleasure isn’t important for me, just nothing. I was given the birds and the bees and that was it. And I was given shame. Shame that I might have desires, shame that I would act upon them. I had fear placed upon me in an attempt to control me. It didn’t help that we were catholic.
It took me half my life to unravel all of that. Piece by piece, I let go of the shitty life training aka conditioning that kept me small and hiding, not understanding myself as a woman, and not being ok with my body. Not knowing I had needs and certainly not knowing how to have them met.
As each piece is unlearnt we create space to learn something beautiful about ourselves.
It might take some soul searching.
And bravery.
And conviction about your worth as a person and as a woman.
It takes dedication to your own authenticity.
Sometimes you might even feel like a rebel, for telling society to stick it.
But I will not apologise for being who I am. I am magnificent. I am glorious. I am me.
And you don’t need to either!
The journey I’ve gone on, and principles I’ve gained along the way have been packaged up into a gorgeous program for you to dive into and embrace your inner woman.
The program has been created to be a journey for you to go deeper into what makes you as a woman tick.
What puts a spring in your step, and a cheeky twinkle in your eye?
Some of the topics are taboo topics. And that’s quite purposeful, I want to lift the lid on what it is we live with as women and what our worlds can be if we let ourselves live the fullness of our truth.
Stop apologising for being who you are. You are magnificent. You are glorious. All of you!
The program, The Pleasure Revolution, has been created to be a journey for you to explore what pleasure there is in your life, already around you, how you can capitalise on that and create even more pleasure, living a juiced up life. For good.
It’s a journey of:
  • rediscovery
  • pleasure
  • unravelling our shitty life training
  • relationships
  • self-honouring
  • how to integrate the tools into your everyday lives
  • a different kind of sex ed
This program runs for 6 weeks, with weekly 90 minute circles, and a facebook group for support.
Next round starting late July 2023
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or email Emma at